PET Packaging engineered for plastic circularity

When you offer your consumers our 100% sustainable PET (polyethylene terephthalate), packaging options, you’re sending a clear message about your company’s
commitment to sustainability.

Benefits of PET

black blue and yellow textile
black blue and yellow textile


Protects food content while allowing the consumer to see what’s inside


Delivers products safely with all of its features intact (taste, colour, form)


They are lighter than other materials, which makes them easy to transport


Reducing fuel requirements and greenhouse gas emissions during product transport

The science is there. PET packaging is 100% safe, 100% recyclable and meets all the functional requirements of food products.
PET does all this and more.

black blue and yellow textile
black blue and yellow textile
black blue and yellow textile
black blue and yellow textile
black blue and yellow textile
black blue and yellow textile

Sustainable Packaging Options



At Lucid Corp, we use food grade clear PET sheets made with post-consumer recycled (PCR) content – the best plastic packaging option

With direct uptake into the recycling stream, clear PET helps to increase the volume and value of recycled PET by eliminating other problematic plastics (such as EPS, OPS, PVC and PETG) from the recycling stream

Instead of ending up in landfills, our PET containers can be reprocessed for reuse, over and over, in millions of products, further promoting a circular economy through plastics circularity

PET is Polyethylene Terephthalate, a widely utilized thermoplastic polymer known for its strength, lightweight, and recyclability

rPET stands for recycled polyethylene terephthalate, a food-safe raw material made from empty PET packaging that has been collected and prepared for recycling

PCR is post-consumer recycled content and refers to products that are made entirely from materials that have been recovered from consumers after their intended use

Your Consumers Care

In North America each year, consumers are doing their part by recycling over 2 billion pounds of PET
The #1 most recycled plastic in the world

Partner with us for your sustainable food packaging needs and help to build a better planet – One PET tray at a time

PET 101 – Positively PET

Learn more about PET
by the numbers

An educational video to help you visualize
the process and value of recycling PET

Recycling PET Plastic

From the National Association of PET Container Resources (NAPCOR)